Cook Applications - Workouts, Health and Utility Apps

Body Measurement Tracker 4.0.3
Body Measurement Tracker allows you to keeptrack of all of your most important body measurements (weight,waist, hips, thighs, biceps, body fat and Body Mass Index or BMI)along with any custom measurements you can think of (shoulders,skeletal muscle %, body water % etc.) on your mobile device. What’smore, you can instantly graph the changes in your body stats overtime.Working diligently on your waist training to trim inches off ofyour midsection? Trying to build big biceps? The key to success isclosely monitoring your progress, and what better way to monitorprogress than with a body measurement app?Body Measurement Tracker is a customizable waist measurementlog, weight and BMI tracker and so much more. This app allows youto track all of the body measurements that you think are relevant,and allows you to ignore the ones you don’t. Store all of thefollowing digitally and graph them over time:- Waist- Weight- Hips- Body Fat Percentage- Chest- Upper Arms (biceps and triceps)- Lower Arms (forearms)- Upper Legs (thighs/quads and hamstrings)- Lower Legs (calves)- HeightIf you are trying to keep track of your body measurements usingpen and paper, you are starting down the right track. But wouldn’tit be nice to be able to see trends in your results over time?Using this body measurement app you can instantly graph yourprogress. What could be more motivating than seeing a graph of yourwaist measurement shrinking week over week of intense waisttraining? Not only are these visuals great for motivation, they areessential to keeping your weight loss or bodybuilding program onthe right track.Do you have a backlog of body measurements that you would liketo include? No problem! Simply select the date of measurement andenter the body stats just like any other day.Do you just want to keep track of your biceps? Simply select thebody measurements you want to track (thighs) under Settings andonly they will appear on the Add Data screen. Don’t worry, you canswitch these around any time, and your data isn’t going to bedeleted.The default unit system for all measurements is English(Imperial), but you can easily switch to Metric (kilograms,centimeters) under Settings.
Gift Ideas Notebook 1.1.3
Never forget another great gift idea for yourfriends, family, or colleagues—start using the Gift Ideas Notebooktoday!Whether you’re planning ahead for Christmas or other holidaygifts, an anniversary, or a birthday, great gift ideas don't alwayscome at the most opportune times.Coming up with gift ideas during the holidays can be tough.What’s especially frustrating is when you know that you had theperfect Christmas gift idea for your Mom 6 months ago, but you justcan’t remember what that perfect idea was anymore.Now, you can keep track of your gift ideas right on your mobiledevice, using the Gift ideas Notebook app to track each of yourgift ideas as they come to you throughout the year. This is theperfect way to compile a birthday or holiday wish list for everymember of your family. Then, whenever the time for gift-givingcomes, you’ll be ready.As you log your gift ideas in the app, you can easily tag eachgift idea by person, so that you can quickly find your gift ideaslater. You can also share your gift ideas with other applicationsor your contacts, and mark the gifts as purchased after buyingthem.*Icon made by Freepik from
Random Workout Generator Pro 2.0.2
Cook Applications - Workouts, Health and Utility
Been doing the same leg workout for 6 months? Need help planningyour workouts and don’t have your own personal trainer? Create yourvery own weight, kettlebell or cardio workout plan with the RandomWorkout Generator in this app! HOW IT WORKS: - CHOOSE WORKOUT TYPE:Tell the app whether you want a cardio, weight lifting orkettlebell workout. Alternatively click “Surprise Me” for a randomchoice among the three. - SELECT YOUR EQUIPMENT: Tell the app whatequipment you have available for your workout (barbells, dumbbells,dip bars, chin up bar, leg press machine etc.) - TIME: Tell the apphow much time you have for your workout. - SELECT BODY PART: Forweight lifting workouts, select among upper body, lower body andfull body workouts. - SELECT SETS PER WORKOUT: For weight liftingworkouts, set the number of sets to be completed of each exercise.- START: The random workout generator will build you a customizedand well-balanced weight training, kettlebell or cardio routine inseconds. FEATURES: - SAVE WORKOUTS: Name and save each randomworkout you complete (arm workout, leg workout, rowing, girya,cardio plan etc.) so that you can repeat it later, - WORKOUTTRACKER/LOG: log the weight used, reps achieved, and even theestimate of calories burned for each set of each exercise in everyworkout - 100 WEIGHT EXCERSISES: including all the basics likebarbell bench press, dumbbell bench press, barbell squat, militarypress, barbell curls and so much more. - 69 Arm and Upper BodyExercises: 10 Bicep Exercises, 11 Tricep Exercises, 13 PressingMovements (such as Bench Press), 26 Shoulder and TrapeziusExercises, 9 Back Exercises - 12 Leg Exercises for the Quadricepsand Hamstrings - 16 Core Exercises including Twisting AbdominalCrunch and Alternating Knee Lifts - 11 KETTLEBELL EXCERSISES:including kettlebell swings, windmills, turkish get-ups and more! -9 CARDIO OPTIONS: get your cardio training from running, cycling,rowing and more - BALANCED WORKOUTS: our algorithm makes sure thatthe exercises are balanced with an even distribution across themajor upper and lower body functional movements - EDIT YOURWORKOUTS ON THE FLY: Delete and add exercises as you go. - CREATEYOUR OWN EXERCISES: WHY? Consistency is the key to making continualprogress in fitness. Whether your goal is to loose weight or buildmuscle, putting in good work at the gym on a regular basis iscritical to your success. That’s why this app allows you to keeptrack of the weight lifted and reps achieved for each set of eachexercise and why it is easy for you to return to any of theworkouts you have completed and do them again. But let’s face it,most of us can’t afford a personal trainer and we all get in afitness rut from time to time. Blindly following a workout routineyou found in a magazine for months on end can lead to burn-out,plateaus in progress, or even worse, muscle imbalances and overuseinjuries. The workout routine builder in this app is based on asimple process of balancing exercises from apposing muscle groups(e.g. biceps vs. triceps, hamstrings vs. quads) in a way thatmatches the amount of time you have to workout. Furthermore,experts have stated that the key to continual muscle growth andstrength gains is muscle confusion. Keep your muscles guessing andbuild well-rounded strength with a variety of upper or lower bodyexercises at each workout. Create strength building and fat burningworkouts for your whole body with the following equipment: -Kettlebell (girya) - Leg press machine - Leg curl/extension machine- Pull Down Cables - Barbell - Dumbbells and more! Please feel freeto contact us with your feedback or suggestions, and leave a review if you love the app! Wewould love to hear from you! Follow us on: Twitter: Facebook: Google+: